WIT Report for HS Code: 871200 Bicycles

U.S. Waterborne Import Trade (WIT) Report. HS Code 871200 BICYCLES

The following report will summarize the top U.S. suppliers, methods of transport, receiving ports and destination states for HS 871200 BICYCLES. Furthermore, historical import trends, global market size, and product hierarchy will provide contextual understanding.

U.S. Customs data can provide transactional details on about 80 -85% of the waterborne imports of this product. Information about the foreign suppliers and U.S. importers of HS 871200 BICYCLES as well as many logistical details are assimilated on a daily basis. Contact us for purchasing options.

Product: HS 871200 BICYCLES, Portrayed in context

HS 871200 BICYCLES: 4 digit parent and related 6 digit siblings

HS 871200 BICYCLES: 10 digit children sub-categories along with a breakdown of 2011 U.S. import trade

Trend: Ten year U.S. import history of HS 871200 BICYCLES

HS 871200 BICYCLES: Ten year historical view of U.S. imports (USD billion)

Global Market: Top importing and exporting countries of HS 871200 BICYCLES

Top global importers and exporters for HS 871200 BICYCLESin 2011 – 85% of countries reporting

U.S. Suppliers: Top five trade partners of HS 871200 BICYCLES, in 2011

HS 871200 BICYCLES: Top five U.S. suppliers. USD million in imports.

Method of Transport: Percentage of HS 871200 BICYCLES transported by ship, ground or air

HS 871200 BICYCLES; method of transport. Note the waterborne (ship) percentage.

U.S. Ports: Major U.S. entry points for receiving waterborne transport of HS 871200 BICYCLES

HS 871200 BICYCLES: Top three U.S. receiving ports (and “other” ports) by percentage

States of Destination: Top U.S. destinations (importer location) for HS 871200 BICYCLES

Top five U.S. destination states for imports of HS 871200 BICYCLESin USD million.

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