A Tapestry of Memorial Day Reflections Captured on Video and in Lyric

We honor the memories, losses and sacrifices of many this day through several videos.

This first video may reflect the sentiments of those who have lost loved ones to the ravages of war not only in America, but also throughout the world.  Set to a heart piercing rendition of Amazing Grace, this photo collage of chronicles survivors honoring the remembrance of their fallen loved ones… and  perhaps captures the essence intended for the day.

Wiki has complied a list of estimated war and related losses by all countries throughout recent history.  Too many tears and too much blood.

As World Trade is the subject for this blog, we honor the memories of those lost almost a decade ago, during 9/11. NINTY Countries Lost Citizens in the World Trade Center attack. It was not just an assault upon the United States, it was a travesty against our an important aspect of global connectedness – world trade and commerce. This short video depicts the recent “Tribute of Light” held at the N.Y.C. 911 memorial.  A symbol of hope, restoration and remembrance.

Visit the CNN website for their comprehensive 9/11 web memorial including information on each victim.  You can also refer to the Wikipedia list of losses by country.

Ending this Memorial post, we feature an inspiring video produced over 25 years ago, “We Are the World”, which ultimately raised over $63 million for humanitarian causes… over 70 recovery and development projects were launched in seven African nations.

Unfortunately, many times it takes devastating tragedies like famines, earthquakes, or tsunamis to remind us that we ALL belong to the same world Community… and MUST strive together to create a safe and prosperous future for our children.

This Memorial Day, let us pause to be grateful for our blessings, respectful for the sacrifices and losses of others and open hearted/open handed with our resources.

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