Trade News: Global Opportunities in Emerging Markets for U.S. Exporters

From International Trade: Rising Economic Powers and the Global Economy: Trends and Issues for Congress. A small group of developing countries are transforming the global economic landscape. Led by China, India, and Brazil, these rising economic powers pose varied challenges and opportunities for U.S. economic interests and leadership of the global economy.

From WITA: China-US Investment Forum 2011 — Opportunities and Challenges for Chinese Investment in the US on 5-Oct-11 8:00 AM. Objectives:

  • To introduce the US investment environment to the Chinese business community.
  • To discuss improving the investment environment so that it is mutually beneficial for both countries.
  • To connect business communities and think tanks in the US and China and strengthen economic cooperation between both countries.

From Tradeology (ITA): Just One Place to Go to Learn the Basics of Exporting. With the recent rerelease of A Basic Guide to Exporting, the Department of Commerce’s indispensible how-to book for U.S. exporters has been rebooted. All businesses, but most especially small and medium-sized enterprises, will want to take a look.

New Videos Highlight Priority Markets for U.S. Exporters. Emerging and “next-tier” markets will be crucial to the growth of U.S. exports during the coming years. Six of those markets are the subject of a series of new videos now available online.

Brazil's Imports. Click for enlarged Image.

From Datamyne: What Brazil Is Buying? In the first six months of this year, Brazil’s purchases of US goods totaled $15.7 billion, while its exports to the US totaled $11.7 billion, giving the US a $4 billion surplus. Cotton and ethanol leap into Brazil’s top 5 imports from the US.

From International Trade Law News: Guest Post on Census Blog Serves as Important Reminder on Certificate of Origin Accuracy. Certificates of origin are used to determine where products were made and thus can affect how much duty is levied on imports, whether imports are exceeding quotas or not, and whether the imports comply with local health and product safety regulations.

Russia Encouraged to Develop Transparent Procurement Practices. Michelle O’Neill, deputy under secretary for international trade, encouraged the Russians to adopt government procurement principles that are more in line with the World Trade Organization (WTO). “If done right, procurement can spur efficiency … and provide opportunities for innovative companies to grow. If done badly, it can waste resources and harm the economy.”

From GlobalEdge (MSU): Is the PC Industry Dead?  China recently surpassed the United States as the largest PC market in the world, highlighting the trend of rapid PC growth in emerging markets.  While computers may be viewed as a commodity in the United States, there are still untapped avenues for growth elsewhere around the world.

From PD: Straight from Heart – Warren Buffet. One of the most successful investors in the world, business magnate, third richest person in the world, speaks from real life situations offering insight and practical solutions about financial and personal wisdom.

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