World Trade Daily: Advertisers, Sponsors and Partners. Oh My!

As a trade information supplier, you have an opportunity to share what’s exciting, unique and valuable about your products and services. You have a venue to share your story with an audience who is vested in knowing about what you offer.

Although the nature of the WTD forum is more informational than promotional, most prospects nowadays respond much better to an “edu-sales” approach than to a hard edged traditional sales angle.

Your competition is using social media. If you aren’t, you’d better start. If you are using social media as part of your marketing “mix”, expand upon it by contributing regularly to the WTD community as a featured author.

If you are interested in enhancing your visibility further, you may want to consider becoming an advertiser by purchasing a permanent placement banner ad or featured post advertisement appearing in rotation on the home page. Both of these will make your company or cause visible.

The WTD forum is an ideal place for you, as a trade information supplier, to get noticed. Your participation will help us grow as a community. As our community grows it will, in turn, help your business grow.

Beyond advertisements and/or pertinent trade intelligence related articles, we invite you to consider partnering with us by underwriting or sponsoring World Trade Daily directly.

Our vision is to provide free open source access to our vast data repositories and A.I. engine as well as provide an open forum for exchange and connection within the global trade community, particularly those that rely upon trade information to navigate its choppy waters.

The WTD is an ideal venue for trade information suppliers to tell their story

In order to provide free access to all, we need help from those can and will support the vision. Even with our initial contribution of the million dollar technology and data base repositories, there are ongoing expenses involved in acquiring new data, feeding it into the machine and verifying it afterwards. In addition, there is hosting, software licenses, technical maintenance and administration.

The soft costs of data, hosting and technology maintenance could be absorbed by a partnering trade intelligence provider, educational institution or trade association providing in-kind services and/or data, daily customs waterborne import DVDs ($100 per day), statistical DVDs from Census, or hosting and technical maintenance.  Reciprocally, the partnering institution will receive administrative access and development rights to the most advanced system of its kind in the world.

We also plan to expand publication to 1,000 plus posts per year with 50 or so contributing authors. Besides myself, this will necessitate the addition of a full-time time staff editor and a handful of freelance writers.  Additional business expenses such as attendance at trade related conferences for the purpose of conducting interviews, networking and supplemental marketing costs would make up most of the remainder of the budget.

World Trade Daily is the only forum of its kind: a neutral third party source focusing on trade intelligence’s providers, people, data and business applications.   Trade intelligence provides the navigational map that helmsmen rely upon to navigate in a multi-trillion dollar industry.

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